Saturday, May 9, 2009

How Things are Different

My life here in Thamel is the complete opposite of Orissa. In Orissa I would spend hours a day working on one project, sometimes for days at a time, trying to get everything to work. Here I run from thing to thing, constantly doing something new and interesting.

I am better suited for the latter.

On my last trip a talked alot about life here in Kathmandu, and not much has changed from then, so if you are interested you can head back through my archives and read all about the glue sniffing children.

Instead I want to talk about photographs.

Every time I take out my camera to take a picture of something, I used to feel removed from whatever was happening. It was as though all of a sudden blanket was thrown over me, and I could only see out of it through a 2 inch LCD screen. It made me very hesitant to take pictures of anything because I always felt... awkward.

Recently, I have found myself better able to take out a camera and still feel part of what is going on. I am not sure what changed in me, but I think it is because I started to figure out what kind of photo's I want to take. I used to just try to capture what it was I was seeing or experiencing in the photo. In essence I didn't want a picture, I wanted a record.

But now, I have been trying to compose my photographs. I am trying to make the photo interesting, instead of taking a photo of something that IS interesting and hoping for the best. That small little shift in the way I take pictures has given me the opportunity to actually take, well, more pictures. Most of them I delete and they will never see the light of day, but when I get the chance I will post them on my Picasa site.

1 comment:

Claire Christina said...

I've been wanting to buy a digital camera so I can experiment with such things - not taking professional-quality pictures, but just pictures of the events of my life (and bonus points if they're interesting to people who have no idea what's going on). Any recommendations? Or just look around and see what I find?