Thursday, May 21, 2009


I went to bed at 12:00 last night. It was the first real sleep I had had in 48 hours. It was the first time I have slept in MY bed. It was everything I hoped it would be and more.

It is amazing how easy it is to fall asleep when you have not slept for 48 hours, just got done traveling, and take a heavy dose of NyQuil. I only got 8 hours, but that seems to be all I am capable of.

When I travel, I have an incredibly high level of energy. Always being on the move gives me... momentum. However after I return home, I usually crash hard. This time, I came home to a full dance card. I have things planned, scheduled, and forced upon me for the next 5 days. The effect of this? I still feel like I am in travel mode. So, like a shark, I have to keep moving.

Monday. On Monday I have absolutely nothing to do. I think Monday I will crash harder than the Chinese Stock Market if they used real accounting practices.

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