Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Grandpa's Cough Syrup Results

So I took Michael and Yeshe's advice and tried the whiskey. It worked like a charm!!! The tickle is gone. Of course I figured that because of my size, I would need to at least double the dose. I have to do that with aspirin, why not cough syrup? So I started with double the dose, then my current doctor (bartender) suggested alternative medicine. And he performed a very complex ritual which I had to participate in.

This ritual involved many medicines, which he then lit on fire. After burning the impurities from the medicine, I was then told to drink it. I did, and it also removed any tickle from my throat!

However like all cough syrups I now feel very sleepy and I think I will rest... very soundly tonight.

1 comment:

Claire Christina said...

Oh, Will. You crack me up.