Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I Am Nobody's Fool

Toady was April fools day, and it turns out they practice it here in Juanga. From the moment I woke up people were attempting to catch me unaware. Dr. Sarangi told me there was a spider on my head. Manu pointed out that my hair was all messed up. Biku tried to draw my attention to a large hole in my t-shirt. Everyone tried these simple pranks.

They were fooling no one. I was forced to educate them on a truly glorious April Fools prank. It involved tact, guile, and many other characters from Street Fighter. Unfortunately they do not have powdered milk here in Juanga. Nor do they have powdered sugar, creamed corn, a bottle of wine, a basket of figs, and 3 mice. So I was relegated to to the old classic of staring quietly with a frightened look on my face right behind someone. That one... that one never fails.

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