Monday, April 27, 2009

Wind Down

The heat has stopped getting to me. I wonder if that is a bad sign? I believe it is. I don't sweat as much. I still take the same amount of water, but I stopped sweating as much. Granted my trips to the bathroom have increased, so I know where the water is going at least.

Funny that after all this time, with barely 2 weeks left to go here, I am getting adjusted to the climate. Well as they say here Kauno Koribo? Or "What are you going to do?" In Nepal it is just Ke Garne. Either one works.

So much work to do and so little time to do it. I am confident that I will finish everything I need to in short order. I am now in crunch time, and like always that is when things really happen. Granted it is because now I am not accepting tomorrow as an appropriate time to do something.

I love the rush of work just before leaving here. It happens every time. This time there is going to be a party before I leave. Not for me, but for the school. They call it the Annual Function, and there will be food, dancing, music, and a drama! Well I will take pictures of it for everyone to see.

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