Sunday, April 19, 2009

Writers Block... Kinda

I have writers block. So I am going to write about it. Hopefully it will be embarrased by me talking about it, and it will shuffly away in a huff due to my rude behavior.

So what the hell is writers block? I will tell you what I am going through right now. I am sitting in my room, and I cannot concentrate on anything. Nothing is holding my interest, and I just don't feel like I have anything interesting to say. That is my current condition. So I am writing it out. Hoping that writing will act like a rolling start on an old car. If I just start typing, maybe I can get the ole' brain working again.

So far it is working, but unfortunately all I can think about now is not being able to write, and what effect that has on me. I thought I was just overloaded, that I had reached a saturation point in India. And to a degree I have. India has seeped into me slowly, and I find myself now pushing back against it. When I was first here in 2006 I kind of let India in. I was bright eyed and bushy tailed so to speak. Everything I saw was new and exciting. Everything I experinced I tried to let that experience sink deep into my soul and change and alter me in some way.

Now, after having travelled through India and Nepal a bit, I am developing callouses, or a filter. Now, India is becoming familiar. It is loosing the "mystery" that it once held for me. I find that I am slowly becoming disillusioned with this place. And I think that is what is happening with this writers block.

At home, I find it difficult to write in a blog or journal, because my experiences are so completely ordinary to me, that I do not find them extraordinary or interesting enough to document. And India is becoming more like home to me.

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