Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Is There A Doctor In The House?

How many times in my life have I been required to interview a doctor for a job? Today brings the number up to 3.

What the heck am I doing interviewing a doctor you ask? What makes me qualified to check if a doctor is good at his job? What the hell is going on here? If I were to attempt to answer any of those questions I would be hurled Monty Python style into the Pit of Despair. I really do not know what I am doing when I have to interview these doctors. I have absolutely no qualification to check if a doctor is good at his job. I have no idea what is going on here.

What I do know is that It is my job to try to get a feel for the person I am interviewing. I am then to call the Executive Officer of Citta Michael Daube and tell him what I thought about the man. That is what my job is. I am essentially trying to figure out if this person is a good fit for the organization. Needless to say every time I go through one of these interviews I have a good laugh afterwards at how ridiculous the entire situation is.

If you have good taste, and you ever have a chance to watch an Oriya film called “Crazy Love” pass. Seriously. The film was bad. It was bad by my EXTREMELY low standards. I mean this is coming from a guy who has watched Turkish Star Wars, Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter, Dead Alive, Evil Aliens, and Battlefield Earth and enjoyed them somewhat. I have honed my bad movie watching into a finely tuned art. I am like a fricken ninja of watching bad movies.

I don’t really remember when I decided that I was going to watch all the world’s worst movies. All I know is that it has become somewhat a lifelong quest for me. I suppose I do owe the origins of my quest to Mystery Science Theater 3000. Without those brave men (an robots) trapped in space being forced to watch awful cinema, I may have never realized how important schlock is.

There are those of you I know are also on my quest. You know who you are, and I thank you because I do not think I would have the strength to watch all the world’s horrible movies by myself. It is the knowledge that there are people out there, like me, fighting the good fight against Z grade movies.

1 comment:

Nick said...

That's Bollywood for you. It's only going to get worse since Slumdog Millionaire won at the Oscars.