Thursday, April 2, 2009

Quickly to the Bat Cave!

I have been watching soap operas... In Oriya. The are horrible, which is to say they are exactly on par with American soap operas. The acting is over the top, the camera angles are extreme, and the plots are so convoluted that the only thing less believable is the casts acting (which I have already mentioned is bad). The sad part is this. Even though I can now pick out a few words every now and then... I still know exactly what is going on in these damn shows.

Stories, and especially the kind you find on TV, are becoming less and less exciting for me. The way some people look at a math problem and just see an answer, I look at the plots of stories. I suppose it is because I read (too much), watch a few TV serials, and attend movies regularly. I will say that I am truly joyous when something is executed in a particularly brilliant or crafty manner. I view it as an opportunity to learn, and be entertained.

I have even gone as far as to try to write my own stories and plot lines. However they are nothing I am proud of. Actually they are nothing at all. I have started and stopped a dozen times, and I suppose I will continue to do so, until I surprise myself.

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