Monday, April 6, 2009

Pink Floyd Never Made It Big In India

Today I spent the morning at the beach. It was a cool 97 degrees with no wind, and the water was warmer than a bath. There was extremely rough surf with a wicked undertow that made swimming all but impossible. I did manage to get some time in the sandy murky water of the Bay of Bengal despite the surf conditions.

I have been staying at the Hotel Lotus. It is the same hotel that my brother Don smashed his head open in a few years back. After 2 nights in the hotel without any injury I believe I have proven the place safe for Purcell’s to stay in… Except Don… he can never go back.

I went to the ATM today to get some funds to last me the next few weeks. I was shocked to discover that the ATM was in an air conditioned room! This is the part of the story where I confess staying in the room with the ATM for much longer than my transaction required, just to catch a break from the heat.

Speaking of the heat, I have discovered myself complaining more and more in my blog, and less and less in my daily life. I believe I am becoming accustomed to it. I am now referring to 95 degrees as “a pleasant day,” and if it happens to drop below 90 it is “practically chilly.” While the nights are becoming hotter, I am finding it easier to sleep comfortably. What happens when I return to America and experience 70-80 degree weather? I can say one only this: I look forward to it.

A friend of mine in Puri gave me a CD to listen to on the way back to Juanga. It was his favorite songs by Pink Floyd. I do not know what I enjoyed more, they music, or the faces of my Indian compatriots as they tried to understand exactly what the hell was going on with the music. I thought about telling them they should try listening to it after a Bhang Lassi, but thought better of it.

Bhang Lassi, for those of you who are unaware, is a drink. A lassi is chilled curd that is blended into an almost yogurt like drink substance. Bhang is a narcotic leaf that is crushed and added to a lassi. If someone offers you a Bhang Lassi, just say no.


Nick said...

I have three comments:

1. The weather sounds like Florida. I remember when I first moved here the 97 degree summers were brutal. Now 95-97 is just a nice day, and when its' in the 80s it's downright cold. I'm still willing to bet the people by you are cleaner, richer, and better educated.

2. I just envisioned a bunch of Indian people singing along with "Another Brick in the Wall" - It was hilarious. Thank you for that.

3. So, what happened to Will when he drank Bhang Lassi?

You know, thinking of 2 and 3 there... perhaps Pink Floyd would make more sense to them after a few Bhang Lassis? Start syncing it up with Bollywood films and see if there's any hits.

Claire Christina said...

Is a Bhang Lassi anything like a Pan-Galactic Gargle Blaster? They sound similar.