Thursday, March 19, 2009

Getting Busy

I got busy today.

I spent a few hours in the office with the clerks seeing how things were going with the financial work that they were supposedly working on the 2 months I was gone. Turns out Quickbooks stopped working 2 weeks after I left last time. So absolutely nothing was happening. I checked on the calendar they were going to be using to keep track of important dates. Dates when information was supposed to be sent and the such. The calendar had never even been used. Oh well. back to the beginning.

In the afternoon I played frisbee with Chandu, Babu's younger brother, Biku, and some of the other village boys. It was bloody hot, and everyone was drenched with sweat by the end of our session. Maybe someday next week I can actually gather enough of them to play a game of ultimate frisbee. We will see.

I spent the evening talking to Manu about stories. about writing them, reading them, telling them, and any other kind of thing one does with stories. I truly love stories. The idea of it gives me pleasure. I like to listen to them as much as I love to tell them, and most of you know that I do love to tell stories.

I will hopefully have some interesting stories to tell when I return home.

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