Tuesday, March 24, 2009

All Around Me are Familiar Faces

I realize that there is only so much I can write about how hot it is here. I do want to stress the point, however, that it is not just hot... it is very hot, and very humid.

I took a nice long walk today with Biku and Babu. For those of you wondering who all these people I mention are, I realize I have been a bad host. I have neglected to actually introduce you to any of the people I interact with here on a daily basis.

Govinda is the managing trustee of the hospital and school, and is the top of the chain of command here. It is his responsibility to make sure everything is running smoothly. He is in his 50's and has 3 sons. His wife died many years ago. He likes Bob Marley music, singing songs he made up himself, and worrying. He is a smart man who hates corruption with a passion. He works hard to ensure that the hospital serves the community, and always looks out for those less fortunate than himself.

Biku is Govinda's eldest son. He is 19 years old and will soon be studying to be a doctor. He plans to become a doctor and work at the hospital in Juanga. He is smart and kind. People in the USA are raising funds to put him through medical college. He has already passed the entrance exam, now he is just waiting on the funding. He is alot like his father in many ways. He speaks english very well, and is an excellent Oriya teacher. He is a good friend.

More on the people here tomorrow.

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