Sunday, November 30, 2008


Here I am in Puri after a week at the hospital. Here in India it is difficult to feel like you accomplish anything, because everything you do, is going to be implemented after you leave. By you... I mean me. Everything I am working on here is going to be used in this nebulous future time that I am unable to participate in. It is very frustrating. Every time I feel like I am accomplishing something, I realize that I haven't actually done anything. For instance. One of my goals was to have better quality internet at the hospital. I had done alot of research and looked into alot of options. As far as I knew it was a done deal. However.... It turns out that the technology I was going to use is not available in this particular district of this particular state in India.

Very Frustrating.

However I am having a good time seeing all my old buds from the Hospital. Chandu is still playing frisbee. All the clerks are still insisting I teach them computer classes for a few hours every day. Govinda is still a great guy. Babu is doing well in school. The Mosquitos are still biting. Everything is going well at the hospital.

I have had some time for good thinking. India is a good place to clear your head of all the distractions of home. It is amazing how you can sit on the roof of the hospital and just stare at all the stars. There are A LOT of stars here. You can see the milky-way every night. It is so peaceful here.

Well I have to go and actually do some work other than sit on the beach getting a massage. Oh the hard life here in India...

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