Friday, October 31, 2008

What to do?

Today was my first day of actual work here in Nepal, and it felt goooooooood. As much as I enjoyed the fun times and the parties I really came here to help Mike out with some communication and budget issues. So I met with Sushila today at the Citta Nepal office and went over some of he things Michael wanted me to talk to her about.

The Citta Nepal office is located about 10 minutes from a place called Bhouda Stupa, which is a HUGE shrine that you are supposed to circumambulate an odd number of times while reciting a Bhuddist mantra. After a few hours of office work with Sushila she insisted that I must see the Stupa.

It was impressive to say the least. The Stupa occupied about 1 acre as far as I can tell and has huge white walls on top of which sits an extremely large dome. The dome is then topped with a large minaret that appeared to be plated in gold. The eyes of Buddha stare at you wherever you are while walking around the Stupa.

The best part? Getting ripped off by the taxi driver going to AND from the Citta Nepal office. Ke Garne? Which translates loosely to "Eh, Whatever." and literally translates to "What to do?"

1 comment:

Unknown said...